Things That Make My Heart Flutter

Random Bits of Happy

Me & TC

Reflection of Our Love - Me & TC

*This week has been a frustrating week for job searching.  All week long only finding one job to apply for a day in this horrid economy is not acceptable.  I set myself a goal of 3 a day so 1 a day was just suck!  Today I found TWO jobs and one of them I am very very excited about.  I have my fingers crossed and prayers said.

*This week also had me getting a medical diagnosis, which while not fabulous, it’s easily fixed with medication and I should see results soon and start feeling much better.  That is so hopeful for me and makes me giddy.  I know I won’t see results right away but I can’t wait!


*Craft night was such fun.  We made reusable sandwich bags and mine is really cute with strawberries & butterflies in pink & purple.  Plus I found a little button pink button with bling.  So me it isn’t even funny!  Now to plan another picnic! Really once I have a job (I know right!) it will be very useful.

*So You Think You Can Dance! is so much fun. I LOVE love love Kupono with his new dance partner Kayla.  They are so fantastic!  This week they danced to coreographer Sonya who’s style is SO dark and so beautiful.  I love girls with mohawks.  Girl crush…BIG TIME! The music pick was great, Blue Foundation – Eyes On Fire (hello itunes!) This week the dance had a story and they were vampires.  Speaking of vampires…True Blood is sexy hot. I am loving that show as well.


*A reconnection to my Paganism.  I grew up disconnected from religion.  My Father is Jewish and my Mother is Methodist and neither pushed their religion.  We always celebrated both religion’s holidays.  I tried reaching to the Christian religion and they tried to tell me my Father would go to hell.  I have a major problem there and it made me search.  I love my Pagan roots.  They tie me to both parents religious holidays as they all fall right around the same times as they ALL tie to the moon.  So I can happily celebrate all these lovely holidays for my own reasons.  Nature based religion is so me.  My husband and I took a picnic to a local park that has an OLD house and the picture at the top of the page is from that.  I needed to be out in the dirt.  I needed to feel the trees and hear the water lapping the shore.  It reconnected me in a way that made be realize how much I love our Goddess Gaia.  Full Moon is on July 7th and I look forward to the full moon!

Makes My Heart Flutter

Random Bits of Happy

Rollerderby!  Duval!

*Thursday I popped into a Bealls discount outlet looking for one thing and didn’t find it but came out with a super cute 50’s style bathing suit, turquoise flip flops and two hair bands for under $35.

*Friday I spent the day in said bathing suit laying by the pool (thanks to a friend copying their complex pool key for us) listening to tunes and reading a book. An indulgent day that I savored.

*I went to my favorite used bookstore, Chamblin Bookmine, and bought the rest of a vampire series that a friend referred me to. The Black Dagger Brotherhood by J.R. Ward has me hooked.

*I am finally starting to get called back on jobs that I’ve applied for. This is a relief just because I was beginning to lose hope that jobs were really out there.

*Our city’s Rollerderby is the bomb. They didn’t win last night but they invited the winning team to Starlite Cafe for the after party and showed the Tallahassee ladies how Jacksonville gets down. A good time was had by the girls and their fans(and friends!).

*I love summer TV programming. So You Think You Can Dance is on, this show makes me hella happy! Plus Weeds and True Blood!

B4 you go…xoxo
