Things That Make My Heart Flutter

Random Bits of Happy



My new scarf...made by ME!
My new scarf…made by ME!

*I learned to knit on Thursday thanks to the lovely Emily!  We sat in the dimmed, candle lit den of the Underbelly and had a wonderful evening chatting and learning.  I am so pleased with the end result and have started 2 other scarves already.  I can lose myself while knitting, it’s much like meditation, clearing of the mind.  It’s wonderful. 

Hi from FL! Sending love to Japan!
Hi from FL! Sending love to Japan!

*Friends threw a Sept./Oct. birthday bash since there were a handful of Libras in our circle of friends.  My Baby Brother included.  He turned 30!!!  It was great to have everyone together and having a good time.  It was a beautiful day and hadn’t gotten cool yet so the boat was buzzing across the water the whole day with people tubing on the wakes.  Lots of fun was had, meats were smoked, conversations were vibrant and friendly.  Missed was my girl Jes, she’s in Japan but we all took photos and I sent her the bunch of them, so she could feel our love!   


My eye Dr. Mapped my retinas
My eye Dr. mapped my retinas

*I went to the eye Dr. for my yearly exam and they had a new laser that mapped 200 degrees of your retina instead of the 30 degrees they can see by dialating your eyes.  This took a quarter of a second and required no trippy eyes for hours after the exam.  With all the wonky problems my family has with eyes I opted to pay more and MAN was it COOL!  And for the first time in years my eyes stayed the same, they didn’t get worse.  That is super good news. 

*The final bout of the season for  Rollerderby was this weekend.  It was fun to see the girl playhard and play it to win!  The first bout our B team kept the score close but in the end they lost, but our A team brought it and won with a 20 point margin.  It was a huge crowd and they had a great time hamming it up for all the new people that had never been to a derby game.  Seems “Whip It!” got the word out that Rollerderby is around. 

Quick Mentions:

*Cool weather is finally here, not for long but it’s still nice!  *rediscovered Regina Spektor – Far  *Leaving the windows open at night and snuggling under blankets.  *Music that FEELS like fall and seems to match the weather.  *fuzzy yarn  *text messages from my honey full of love.  *sitting outside to knit while my man does manly things.  *good non-fiction books, it’s hard to my attention with a NF book and this one does!  *Good friends chatting  me up on IM *Hair that dries into the perfect 40’s coif just by pinning it!


Blessed Be: Llewellyn & Bibliomancy

I visit Llewellyn‘s website pretty much weekly.  I love seeing what’s on sale, looking at tarot cards and I love reading the blog (I mean how else would I have found out about this creepy cloud in Moscow?) and of course I love checking out the free spell a day which isn’t always a “spell” per say, but sometimes something very cool like today’s on Bibliomancy:

Bibliomancy can be defined as “divination by means of a book.” This type of divinatory magic can be performed anytime, and it’s a fun way to receive spiritual messages from our immediate reality. You can even do this right now, with this book, if you wish! Either think about something that you want to gain insight about or approach the divination ready to receive whatever message the universe wants to deliver. Have on hand a sharp needle or pin. After meditating, hold the pin up high, open the book at random, and stab the pin into the pages. Afterward, write down the words (on both the front and back of each page) that the needle stabbed through. This will form a random string of words that can be interpreted by the divinator. Look for the messages being delivered; they’re not always easy to see but are profound once they are recognized!

I am looking forward to trying this today.  I think I have just the book to use too as it is a lovely work of fiction that has great meaning to me.  I’ll let you know how it goes.  😉