Butterflies: New “family” memeber

It’s been about 2 years since our dog died.  He was a chug, half chihuahua, half pug, a rescue and we had him almost since our relationship began.  I think we got Enrique in Feb of 97 and we had met in Jan of 96.  He was a wonderful little dog and many of our friends ended up getting small dogs because they were so in love with our little guy.  We were heartbroken when we had to put him down.  He had heart failure at 13 years old.

We had started talking about a new pet again.  We decided only if we could rescue again.  Then about a month ago we went to a party and a girl showed up with a chihuahua that had been found in the woods behind her house.  Her daughter kept telling her for a day or two prior that she had seen a “baby puppy in the woods” and she thought her daughter was playing make believe.  Then imagine her surprise when a tiny little face was staring back at her from her sliding glass door.  She had her for about 2 weeks and couldn’t keep her in her rental and had signs up with no calls.  So she brings her to the party to see if someone can “fall in love” and give her a home.  Well….there you go.

It was immediate.  The minute she walked through the door with this furry little face that needed a home I was in love.  We brought her home that night.  The next day I made calls, I had to know she wasn’t someone else’s pet.  I called the humane society and some shelters to make sure no one was looking for a female chihuahua.  Then we took her to a vet.  They checked her for a microchip (nope.) and then check up and tests and all her shots.  She is about 6-8 mths old (so born about January) and had a little ear infection, she weighs in at just 4 pounds.  Other than that she was a healthy puppy that needed to be fixed.  At that point we were thrilled to know that she could really be our puppy and we set up an appt. to have her fixed.  Please meet 8 month old Honey Bunny:

Honey Bunny

This past weekend Honey got fixed.  She has been a napping fool thanks to medication.  Now that her medicine is gone my task is to keep a high energy PUPPY from jumping and wanting to be active!  I have 3 more days of keeping her not so active.  In the month we have had her, we have gone from floppy crazed “get me off this leash” to walking like a prissy little lady, she sits, she lays down, and we are working on come, stay and down.  She is very playful and we are crazy puppy parents.  My iphone is packed with pictures of us and the dog.

Post-op Honey

Butterflies: Join me in joining Gala…

Radical Self Love

One of my favorite bloggers Miss Gala Darling is celebrating Radical Self Love for the entire month of February.  Watch her sweet video below for her “homework” and to find out what it’s all about click on the button on the right side of my blog.

I have a journal ready with blue butterflies and am busy thinking up my invocation for myself as well as trying to decide if I will use hearts or if I should stick with butterflies.  I have plenty of pictures, stickers, totems of both including a handful of sparkley heart & butterfly necklaces and rings so I can keep myself reminded of the project throughout the month.

As a plus size gal I embrace my curves and think I wear them well.  I of course would like to be smaller and am trying to work through the problems I have.  Some medical issues have finally surfaced and with new medication this may be a tiny bit easier for me.  Until then I think I do my best to accept what I am and do my best to make myself a healthier me.  My battle with myself lately has been exercise.  I talk myself out of it all the time and it’s self sabotage.  My goal this month is to be stronger with myself and exercise.  I will continue to keep my head on straight though and will love the body I have now.  It helps that my husband is good at making me feel sexy and beautiful.  I think he is why I am able to be so positive about my body image.

Here are a few more videos that I think keep the positive vibes of Radical Self Love.  Music is the soundtrack to our lives and keeps our souls light.  John Halcyon Styn holds Hugnation every Tuesday and it is an expression of Self Love and also a great way to pull positive vibes to yourself and push away the negative.  I always feel lighter and happier after watching and participating in his live sessions.

I can’t listen to this without sashaying about a room and singing along.  Body Beautiful!  I am the ocean and I rule the world, I’m sensual, I am Body….I am Grand, Grand Diva, I am the Queen, Queen Diva.  I love this song.

HUGNATION!  Love More, Fear Less!

How can you not want to shake your tush when this angel is singing and dancing with you!

Now come on, grab a journal and join me in joining Gala and lets give a little Radical Self Love!

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to the blogosphere! I hope you enjoy the time you spend with your family and friends.

I will be giving thanks for my wonderful family that is always my backbone, my friends that are endless sources of fun and joy and to our health and happiness throughout the year.

My favorite blessing is from Halcyon and it is a modified version of a blessing his Grandpa used to give, he was such a bright star on this little planet:

“Dear universe, thank you for the miracles in every moment. Help me to be aware of all my blessings and be a loving presence in the world.”

What are you thankful for?

Things That Make My Heart Flutter

Random Bits of Happy


  * My 9 year wedding anniversary was yesterday and I got cards and flowers and a beautiful necklace and lots and lots of love from my honey.  I know I’m very lucky and very loved but I still loved the extra attention.  Husband gets an A++ for effort on all special occasions.  He knows how to make me feel like a Goddess. 

Whitelake Actors


* Halloween!  How can you not like the holiday that lets you dress up like goblins and faeries?  In fact I’ve had past halloweens as faeries,  zombies and gypsies.  I love it.  Even today with work not having dress up I wore a set of silver horns I bought at a Ren Fest years back.  Little devil horns make my outfit pop!  😉



* My rediscover of Tumblr.com oh how did I forget such treasure that produce such great and magical finds!  Tumblr is making me feel the magic again with friends like SuninScorpio, HighMagic, and WitchMountain.  With posts like theirs I can’t help but be motivated to make and find my own magic

Quick Mentions:

*Dinner with my husband when we get into deep conversations *Bookclub book that is uber intriguing *reconnecting with twitter friends *having someone to take care of me when I drink too much (rum puch = bad idea) *walks in graveyards *tombstone rubbings *jack-o-lanterns *getting ready for a family wedding *plans for travel *knitting hats and scarves for upcoming winter *Mirah – The Garden *My Vampire playlist on my ipod