Baubles: I’m a Fangbanger!

I hope the song embeds through. If not you have to click through because I put the theme song as an attachment. As my tribute outfit that Sookie would wear as a good ole’ Southern Gal in the hot swamp lands in Louisiana! This was so much fun. Not at all affordable but I’d totally do a theme again as I had a blast putting it together.

Things That Make My Heart Flutter

Random Bits of Happy

Me & TC

Reflection of Our Love - Me & TC

*This week has been a frustrating week for job searching.  All week long only finding one job to apply for a day in this horrid economy is not acceptable.  I set myself a goal of 3 a day so 1 a day was just suck!  Today I found TWO jobs and one of them I am very very excited about.  I have my fingers crossed and prayers said.

*This week also had me getting a medical diagnosis, which while not fabulous, it’s easily fixed with medication and I should see results soon and start feeling much better.  That is so hopeful for me and makes me giddy.  I know I won’t see results right away but I can’t wait!


*Craft night was such fun.  We made reusable sandwich bags and mine is really cute with strawberries & butterflies in pink & purple.  Plus I found a little button pink button with bling.  So me it isn’t even funny!  Now to plan another picnic! Really once I have a job (I know right!) it will be very useful.

*So You Think You Can Dance! is so much fun. I LOVE love love Kupono with his new dance partner Kayla.  They are so fantastic!  This week they danced to coreographer Sonya who’s style is SO dark and so beautiful.  I love girls with mohawks.  Girl crush…BIG TIME! The music pick was great, Blue Foundation – Eyes On Fire (hello itunes!) This week the dance had a story and they were vampires.  Speaking of vampires…True Blood is sexy hot. I am loving that show as well.


*A reconnection to my Paganism.  I grew up disconnected from religion.  My Father is Jewish and my Mother is Methodist and neither pushed their religion.  We always celebrated both religion’s holidays.  I tried reaching to the Christian religion and they tried to tell me my Father would go to hell.  I have a major problem there and it made me search.  I love my Pagan roots.  They tie me to both parents religious holidays as they all fall right around the same times as they ALL tie to the moon.  So I can happily celebrate all these lovely holidays for my own reasons.  Nature based religion is so me.  My husband and I took a picnic to a local park that has an OLD house and the picture at the top of the page is from that.  I needed to be out in the dirt.  I needed to feel the trees and hear the water lapping the shore.  It reconnected me in a way that made be realize how much I love our Goddess Gaia.  Full Moon is on July 7th and I look forward to the full moon!